Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. Attained Excellence in Corporate Governance Score

ศุกร์ ๒๐ มกราคม ๒๐๑๗ ๑๒:๕๐
Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL by Mr.Hsieh Shen-yen, President and Mr.Anusorn Muttaraid, Executive Director, congratulated all teamwork on the occasion that the company's attaining "Excellent" for Corporate Governance (CG) score and recognized as a Top Quartile Companies with market capitalization higher than 10,000Million Baht. The score was officially reported on October 26, 2016 by The Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD) CG Report (CGR), with support from the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). Based on the assessment system of the National Committee on Corporate Governance, among 601 assessed companies, Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. scored 90percent or above – corresponding to the "Excellent" recognition level.

This achievement is a result of Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL.'s unrelenting endeavor in delivering high values to stakeholders through sustainable and ethical business practices in addition to transparency and active leadership role from the board of directors that is consistent with investors' expectation.

Since 2012, the Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD) also recognizes the Top Quartile Companies in each group which is classified by market capitalization. List of companies achieving good CG scoring will be highly publicized by SET and the IOD on relevant events and publications. Such publicity will help to enhance brand value and visibility for potential investors. The details of the CG scores and the assessment categories include the rights of shareholders, equal treatment to shareholders, roles of stakeholders, information disclosure and transparency and the Board of Director's competency.


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