Photo Release: ICHI was awarded the Outstanding Business

จันทร์ ๑๗ กันยายน ๒๐๑๘ ๑๕:๑๖
Ichitan Group Public Company Limited, the leading of Quality and Innovation Beverage Business was awarded "The Outstanding Organization for the promotion of skills development" in the year 2018 from Ministry of Labor, honored by Police General Adul Saengsiewkaew (left), Minister of Labor, the chairman of the ceremony awarded plaque to Mr. Aran Angsanam (right) Deputy Factory Director as a representative of the company, at Century Park Hotel Bangkok recently.

Mr.Tan Passakornnatee Chief Executive Officer of Ichitan Group Public company Limited (ICHI) said that the company; one of 59 organizations selected from across the country has been honored as a successful establishment in the field of promoting skill development for personnel in the workplace. It reflects the vision of an organization that has brought the world's most advanced technology into the production process for developing the beverage industry in the country, creating labor skill to a higher standard and being an "Innovation Workforce" to support the modern industry using advanced technology, especially the industry that is the New Engine of Growth which is in line with the economic development of Thailand according to the structure of Thailand 4.0 and the 20-years strategy its goal is to build a labor of the country into a powerful manpower by building a system and foundation for sustainable work practices to be as the international standard to bring the country to a stable growth.


๐๙:๕๐ ก.แรงงาน เตือนประชาชนรอบโกดังกากของเสีย จ.ระยอง ปฏิบัติตามคำแนะนำ พร้อมกำชับดูแลความปลอดภัยของลูกจ้างแรงงาน
๐๙:๒๘ MSC ร่วมกับ AWS จัดงาน MSC x AWS ECO Connect
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๐๙:๕๗ เจาะฟีเจอร์กล้อง 108MP ใน HUAWEI nova 12i สเปกเท่าเรือธงในงบต่ำหมื่น!
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