Photo Release: The opening ceremony of the 20th HA National Forum

พุธ ๑๓ มีนาคม ๒๐๑๙ ๑๓:๐๒
Her Royal Highness Princess Bajrakitiyabha presided at the opening ceremony of the 20th HA National Forum under the theme "Change & Collaboration for Sustainability," curated by the Healthcare Accreditation Institute (Public Organization) at IMPACT Forum. Granted a royal audience, Ms. Jintana Phongpakdee, Director of Corporate Communications, welcomed Her Royal Highness with a hand garland. The 20th HA National Forum vies to be an academic platform for healthcare specialists, hospitals, and medical centers to exchange ideas and experience in order to improve the quality of healthcare services within the country and also aims to recognize as well as honor healthcare providers that are active in quality improvement.


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