"Hot Deal Buffet 40% OFF"

Wednesday 18 March 2020 08:47
Attention Please!!! The Emerald Hotel proudly presents “Hot Deal Buffet 40% OFF” lunch time on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and dinner time on Tuesday, Thursday. For both of Premium Japanese Buffet at Daiichi Japanese Restaurant and International Seafood on ice at the Emerald Coffee Shop (from regular price of 919 baht net)

Condition!!! Booking through www.facebook.com/daiichitheemerald only 585 baht net per person and www.facebook.com/theemeraldcoffeeshop lunch only 510 baht net per person, dinner only 585 baht net per person, or www.facebook.com/theemeraldhotel. From now – April 30, 2020.

Open daily at 11.30 – 14.30 hrs. and 18.00 – 22.00 hrs. For more information or reservations, please call 0-2276-4567. Don’t miss.