7Days 7Menus Carving Station at The Emerald Coffee Shop

Monday 16 September 2024 15:53
The Emerald Coffee Shop of The Emerald Hotel invites you to taste the "International Dinner Buffet with Seafood and Premium Sushi " from 18.00 - 22.00 hrs.
7Days 7Menus Carving Station at The Emerald Coffee Shop

One of the European dishes that proudly to offer is the "7 Days 7 Menus Carving Station " as follows:

Monday           - Australian Striploin Steak with Red Wine Sauce 

Tuesday           - Lamb Chop with Bercy Sauce  

Wednesday      - Seared Tuna Steak with Horseradish Sauce            

Thursday         - Smoked Pork Loin with Red Wine Sauce

Friday              - Salmon Steak Mexican Salsa Sauce 

Saturday          - Australian Striploin Steak with Red Wine Sauce

Sunday            - Honey Glazed Ham with Apple Sauce 

Includes soft drinks, tea-coffee, Thai desserts, bakery, ice cream, and seasonal fruits. At a price of only 1,700 baht per person.

Special promotion from now until October "Buffet only 1,299 Baht per person"

For more information, kindly call 0-2276-4567 ext.8413, line @theemeraldhotel and www.facebook.com/theemeraldcoffeeshop

Source: The Emerald Hotel

7Days 7Menus Carving Station at The Emerald Coffee Shop