Mrs. Ratrimani also participated in a panel discussion titled "Cultivating Well-Being Throughout the Employee Life Cycle: From Attraction to Separation." She exchanged ideas on employee well-being throughout their careers with executives from Thai Oil Public Company Limited and Phyathai-Paolo Hospital Group. She shared Bangchak's policies and strategies for effective people management, which enhance efficiency and strengthen organizational engagement. This commitment is reflected in Bangchak's strategic initiative, Bangchak100x, driven by three main pillars: sustainable growth, financial strength, and a hundredfold increase in employee happiness through the 100xHappiness approach.
She emphasized the importance of integrating human resource management with employee well-being, highlighting the need to balance workplace efficiency with employee satisfaction. This alignment fosters a highly engaged and high-performing workforce. Bangchak firmly believes that employees are the heart of the organization, and investing in human capital development is essential for cultivating a strong organizational culture that drives long-term success.
This event was organized by the Personnel Management Association of Thailand (PMAT) in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, and the Human Capital Management Club (HCM) of the Thai Listed Companies Association (TLCA).
Source: Bangchak Corporation