EXIM Thailand President said that EXIM Thailand's financial support aims to encourage Thai entrepreneurs to operate their businesses with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns taken into account and enhance development of future industries with a view to propelling Thailand toward Greenomics in line with the Bank's role as the Green Development Bank. Meanwhile, GUNKUL Group is a leading provider of integrated renewable energy solutions both at home and overseas being dedicated to development of clean energy technologies and innovations which would contribute to Thailand's achievement of carbon neutrality by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050.
"This financial support for GUNKUL Group is again a testament to the determination of EXIM Thailand as a development bank striving to support financial facilities that would level up the proportion of ESG or sustainability loans in its loan portfolio to 50% by 2027 and pave the way for development of green economy and sustainable development in economic, social and environmental dimensions of Thailand and the world at large," added Dr. Rak.
Source: Export-Import Bank of Thailand